
Entry (1/2)1  sabotsy
Part of speech  2  noun
Vocabulary  3  Time
Explanations in Malagasy  4  (na Asabotsy, izay marimarina kokoa) Andro fahenina amin'ny herinandro, manaraka ny zomà ary mialoha ny alahady; andro fahatelo kosa izy teo amin'ny ntaolo malagasy [1.1]
Explanations in English  5  Same as asabotsy [1.2]
Explanations in French  6  Samedi [1.5]7  Samedi [ar.: as-sabt, samedi] [Tanala] [1.6]
Examples  8  Izao no maty tamin' ny andro sabotsy. [2.48]
9  Tonga nanao asa maimaim-poana izy, isaky ny sabotsy sy alahady. [1.369#]
Other spellings  10  asabotsy
Tables and plates  12  Measure of Time

Entry (2/2)13  Sabotsy
Part of speech  14  name (toponym)
Vocabulary  15  Geography: towns
Elementary words  16  sabotsy
Tables and plates  17  Full list

Anagrams  18  Sabotsy, sabotsy, Sabotsy, sabotsy

Updated on 2024/08/17